About ECIP

Saskatchewan Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECIP) services are offered in 14 regions across the province.  The Saskatchewan Ministry of Education funds ECIP to provide specialized services to families of young children between birth and school entry who are either at risk for, have a diagnosis of, or exhibit developmental delay.

Saskatchewan Early Childhood Program Core Services

An individual Family Service Plan is developed in collaboration with each family. Consultation, information, support and services designed to meet the individual needs of each child and family are delivered in the child’s home and may extend to community based programs. 

1. Family Support and Capacity Building

Saskatchewan ECIP services build family capacity by providing participatory caregiver experiences and opportunities that supplement the parenting knowledge and skills required to parent a child with a delay, and promote a positive sense of parenting competence and confidence. At the heart of this family‐centered process is the recognition that families can identify their own concerns, resources, and priorities. ECIP staff work to support the family in their natural caregiving and decision‐making roles, ensuring they have the information and resources they need to be successful advocates and strong supports for their child and family. Toy and Resource Lending Libraries augment the resources of families.

2. Child Development

Saskatchewan ECIP support families in enhancing their child’s development through the following services:

  1. Information gathering and observation including developmental screening.
  2. Development of a child profile across various settings.
  3. Ongoing modeling and coaching of developmental activities and strategies within everyday routines.
  4. Assess, monitor and report on child progress utilizing the Assessment Evaluation & Programming System (AEPS) in addition to other tools, if necessary.

3. Case Coordination and Transition Support:

ECIP services are part of a range of community‐based services and supports designed to strengthen families, augment parenting skills and foster healthy child development. The following case coordination and transition support services are provided:

  1. Facilitating service coordination including referrals and application processes for services or funding.
  2. Facilitating regular review and revision of service plans with families and team members.
  3. Coordinating multi-disciplinary assessments or planning meetings if applicable.
  4. Providing consultation in community settings (e.g., childcare programs and schools).

When a child moves from one setting to another, such as from home into a childcare program or into school, it is a stressful time of change for both the child and the family. Saskatchewan ECIP services assist in the transition process through systematic planning and the preparation of the child, the family and the receiving setting. ECIP staff prepares reports and documentation as well as assist in getting necessary resources through grant applications and advocacy when needed.

4. Community Development and Partnerships

Saskatchewan ECIP’s facilitate and contribute to community development in order to build or strengthen the continuum of supports and opportunities available to families whose children experience or are at risk for developmental delays. This can include joint events to engage families and/or children, systemic advocacy to address barriers or gaps in resources, presentations to increase public awareness, and involvement with early childhood coalitions. 

5. Referrals

Saskatchewan ECIP services have an open referral system, where referrals can be made directly by the family or on behalf of the family with their consent. Eligibility for services is determined through an initial screening process and home visit.  The eligibility criteria for services include a developmental delay or a risk for developmental delay based on documented biological or psychosocial risk factors.

ECIP's Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At ECIP, we recognize the immense value that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) bring to our organization. As a team committed to fostering a supportive and welcoming environment for all children and families, we are dedicated to implementing and continually refining DEI initiatives in our programs, policies, and practices.

Diverse Representation

We are committed to cultivating a diverse workforce, which reflects the myriad of cultures, backgrounds, and experiences of the communities we serve. By embracing the unique perspectives and talents of our team members, we foster innovation, creativity, and a more empathetic approach to our work.

Accessible and Inclusive Programming

Our programs and services are designed to be accessible and inclusive, addressing the varying needs of our diverse community. We strive to adapt our offerings to ensure they are culturally sensitive and relevant, taking into account factors such as language, socioeconomic status, and family dynamics.

Equitable Opportunities

We believe that every child and family should have equal access to resources and opportunities. We are dedicated to identifying and addressing systemic barriers, such as unconscious bias, that may hinder a child's success. Through targeted training and continuous evaluation, we aim to provide a level playing field for all families we serve.

Staff Training and Development

We recognize that a strong DEI culture starts with our own team. As such, we invest in ongoing training and development to equip our staff with the skills and knowledge to create a more inclusive environment. This includes workshops on topics such as unconscious bias, cultural competence, and effective communication across diverse populations. We also encourage our team members to share their insights and experiences to foster a culture of continuous learning.

Community Engagement and Partnerships

We actively engage with our community to better understand and address the needs of the families we serve. By collaborating with local organizations and community leaders, we aim to create stronger, more inclusive support networks. We also seek feedback from the families we serve, ensuring that our programs and services are tailored to meet their unique needs.

Celebrating Diversity

At Children North ECIP, we celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures, backgrounds, and experiences that our children, families, and staff bring to our organization. We believe that embracing and celebrating our differences is key to building a more compassionate, understanding, and supportive community.


ECIP organizations share the vision that “All families have the capacity to meet the developmental needs of their children within the community of their choice.”

About ECIP


  • Enhance childhood development.
  • Identify family needs and strengths.
  • Support and empower families.
  • Provide links to community services.

Core Programs


ECIP is a nonprofit organization funded through the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, Health Canada and through donations and grants.

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